Do i need a blog or website for affiliate marketing?

While becoming an affiliate marketer doesn't require you to own a blog or website, it does require you to have an online presence. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts can be a good start. In this blog post, I'll cover some ways to promote affiliate products without creating your own website. It is one of the largest affiliate niches, so you have registered and started promoting your affiliate products on various online forums.

So, when it comes to advertising on YouTube, all you have to do is advertise the affiliate product in the video and then place the affiliate link in the description below. I have been in business for years and am therefore well positioned to contribute to the debate on affiliate marketing versus blogging. If you're looking to promote your affiliate links but don't have a website to begin with, you can start promoting affiliate links on social media accounts, just remember to provide real value and don't send spam. There are a lot of different ways to do affiliate marketing on Facebook if you don't have a blog or website.

Another disadvantage of this type of affiliate marketing is that it can be difficult to get into an affiliate program with legitimate offers. You can hand out brochures with your affiliate link, get classified ads in the newspaper, send emails or any other way to share your affiliate link. In a nutshell, yes, you can definitely make or become an affiliate marketer without having a blog or website. Many well-known affiliate marketing programs would cooperate with affiliates who don't have their own website.

To get started with the basics, what all affiliate marketers need are affiliate links and an audience to promote them. Once you have a sizeable list of people interested in what you offer, you can earn money from affiliate marketing by emailing them about certain products or services and including affiliate links in your email content. So, what is the best marketing tool for companies? Should it involve a troop of affiliates or should it just be blogging?.

Brett Slansky
Brett Slansky

Martial arts and personal development coach. Affiliate marketing ninja. Avid internet fanatic. Proud crypto and NFTs investor. Seeking to improve myself every day. Traveller. Lifelong student.